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Brangelina brings star power to Cannes

Cannes' glamour Richter scale edged up a notch Wednesday with Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and partner Brad Pitt launching a round of public engagements at the festival, the dpa reported.

The star voltage in Cannes might be a little lower this year than in recent years (partly a result of the smaller number of Hollywood films in the running for the festival's top prizes).

But the presence of Brangelina it seems can always set the pulse racing among the paparazzi and the long lines of loyal movie fans who spend days camping outside the fest's main for a glimpse of their favourite stars.

Jolie (with Brad and the kids in tow) was in Cannes for the screening of two films - Kung Ku Panda, in which she supplies the voice for a Tigress and veteran US director Clint Eastwood's Changeling about a mother whose child has disappeared.

Indeed, while a heavily pregnant Jolie was fielding questions at a press conference in Cannes for Kung Fu Panda, she admitted that Brad was back at the hotel looking after the kids.

The two are later to appear in public when they walk Cannes' famed red carpet for the festival debut of Kung Fu Panda, with 33-year-old Jolie saying that her condition meant she would be wearing flat shoes.

Indeed, Jolie provided throughout Wednesday's press conference glimpses into her life with Brad explaining that she was no tigress at home at that she had a fairly equal partnership at home with her husband.

French has now also become the second language in their home with Mum and the kids learning French, she said. Her adopted boys from Cambodia were also learning about life in their country.

There has been a frenzy of speculation that she might give birth in France. But while confirming she was expecting twins, Jolie said that she had not made any decision where she will have the children.

But being in Cannes, she said, gave her the chance to practise up on her "rusty French."

Another aspect of her off-screen life also emerged at Wednesday's press conference.

Answering the question which he said no-one had asked, veteran US actor Dustin Hoffman, who also supplies his voice for a Kung Fu Panda animal told journalists: "There was a time when Angelina could have chosen between me and Brad."

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