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Shanna Moakler talks about the crash

The ex wife of rocker Travis Barker is talking to the press again. Shanna Moakler states, “We’re probably not going to be flying anytime soon, at all…We are going to invest in a tour bus.”

Barker and DJ AM survived a fatality plane crash that claimed four lives back in September. Lexington County Deputy Coroner Brian Setree confirmed on September 20 that three men and a woman died in the crash.

The victims were: Barker's assistant, Chris Baker, 29, of Studio City, California (who appeared on MTV's reality show "Meet the Barkers"); Barker's security guard, Charles Still, 25, of Los Angeles; the plane's pilot, Sarah Lemmon, 31, of Anaheim, California; and her co-pilot, James Bland, 52, of Carlsbad, California.

In Shanna Moakler’s first TV interview since Barker survived the crash, the former Miss USA opens up about the horrific accident – From how Barker survived to the future of this on-again, off-again couple.

Moakler recounts the night of the crash saying, “I just got that phone call that you dread getting in the middle of the night…I actually thought when the phone rang, that it was Travis saying, ‘Oh, we landed in LA and I’m coming to you, babe.’”

The first time Moakler saw Barker in the hospital they “both cried. We were really happy to see one another.” Six passengers were on the plane, but only Travis and good friend, Adam Goldstein [DJ AM] survived.

“They were just in the back of the plane and Travis remembered where the emergency exit was. So it’s miraculous,” Moakler tells “Extra.”

Moakler revealed that Barker, who always hated flying, had an intuition about the dreaded flight saying, “What’s really odd, before they left, he had taken pictures of the plane…and sent them to me. He said, ‘I don’t have a good feeling about this plane’…I said, ‘Please be safe.’ He had a feeling…that something was about to happen.”

Barker is on the road to recovery and “he is starting to exercise, do therapy. So hopefully we will see a big AM/Travis show in the future.” Moaker adds, “We’re probably not going to be flying anytime soon, at all…We are going to invest in a tour bus.”

As for the couple’s relationship today, Moakler comments, “We’re parents first…Travis is my family and he always will be my family. I have a profound love for him…I’ve learned that I am very appreciative and thankful for Travis in my life.”

Does that mean she and Barker will remarry? “I don’t know,” Moakler responds. But she’d love to have more kids saying, “I’m kind of crazy. I’d actually love two more but I think just one – one and I’m going to be done.”

“Extra’s” interview with Shanna Moakler airs tomorrow, October 31st.

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