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Recluse Robbie Williams believes, new album too

Robbie Williams' new album has been approved by Take That.

The reclusive singer is working on the follow-up to flop record 'Rudebox' and treated his former bandmates to a sneak preview of the tracks when they visited him in Los Angeles.

Lead singer Gary Barlow - Robbie's former bitter rival - told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "We had some great hanging out time with Robbie in Los Angeles and he played us some of his new stuff. It was really good.

"He started out with us so we have a connection."

Take That - comprised of Gary, Howard Donald, Jason Orange and Mark Owen - tried to persuade Robbie to rejoin the group when they reformed for a comeback tour and new album in 2005.

The 'Angels' singer left the group in 1995 following a series of rows, and the remaining four members eventually disbanded in 1996.

It was recently reported Robbie - who split briefly from girlfriend Ayda Field to focus on his music - had been to an alien camp to write his new album.

The now reclusive singer - who has claimed to have had extraterrestrial encounters - arrived armed with video equipment in his search for aliens during a recent visit to Trout Lake in Washington.

Extraterrestrial expert Michael C. Luckman - who has identified Robbie as an alien ambassador - said: "Robbie used the occasion as an opportunity to write several new songs about aliens. I wouldn't be surprised if Robbie may be planning an alien album.

"The place is known as America's number one UFO hotspot and a magnet for true believers in aliens."

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