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Max Makowski in talks for big screen adaptation of ‘Voltron’

Relativity Media is in talks with Max Makowski to take on directing duties for the big screen adaptation of "Voltron: Defender of the Universe."

Variety reports the director just finished script work on an adaptation of the television series "Hawaii Five-O" for Warner Bros., and is attached to direct Warners’ new take on the classic series "Kung Fu." He is also attached to direct an American remake of the Japanese film "Shinobi" for Universal.

Makowski’s talks come after New Regency put the project in turnaround in favor of producing other styles of films.

The film’s script was written by Justin Marks, and it is planned to be a live-action adaptation of the classic Japanese animated series from the 1980s.

The series followed a transforming robot with a giant sword who helped defend Earth from alien invaders.

Relativity Media is in final talks with ‘Voltron’ rights holder World Events Prods. to finance and produce the film. The budget will be considered moderate with filmmakers aiming for the same kind of cost-saving effects used in films like “300.”

Mark Gordon and Jordan Wynn are set to handle producing duties with Bryan Zuriff, Jim Young, Mark Costa and Ford Oelman handling executive producing chores.

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