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Danny Elfman to score 'The Wolfman'

When one watches a movie that was scored by the legendary Danny Elfman, known for composing the music for most of Tim Burton's classics like "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Edward Scissorhands" and fronting the popular 80's rock band Oingo Boingo, the soundtrack can easily be pinned to Elfman's unique style.

When recent news dropped that Elfman would be composing the score for the upcoming remake of Universal's "The Wolfman", critics were quick to react.

According to an article on /film:

“AICN has gotten word that Danny Elfman is scoring Universal’s remake of The Wolfman. Elfman has always been hit or miss for me, and I’m not sure The Wolfman will play to his strengths. “

Though /film and AICN have a valid point in that Elfman has a very particular style that could not easily fit the motif of "The Wolfman", they seem to be forgetting the diversity that Elfman has brought to many movies and television shows.



Elfman's compositions range from not only the music for the film "Chicago" and the title music for "Desperate Housewives" but his score is also heard in movies like "The Hulk" and "Spiderman".

Danny Elfman is nothing short of a musical genius and to question his diversity for the remake of "The Wolfman" is premature.

Being a major fan of both Danny Elfman the front man for Oingo Boingo and Danny Elfman the composer, I am convinced that he could write a score that could fit the theme and emotion of the movie whether it is subtle in nature or the musical style that we have come to love from him over the past 30 years.

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