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James Bond swapping vodka Martinis for 'Zero Zero Seven' Coca-Cola.

James Bond is to swap vodka Martinis for a new 'Zero Zero Seven' brand of Coca-Cola.

The drinks giant has teamed up with the makers of the latest Bond film 'Quantum of Solace' to launch a special 'Zero Zero Seven' version of their Coke Zero drink - named after the agent's code number 007.

'Quantum of Solace', which sees Daniel Craig reprise his role as the British spy, is released on October 31 and Coca-Cola will simultaneously launch the new 'Zero Zero Seven' logo and limited edition black bottles in the £5 million deal.

The company hopes the marketing strategy will make Coke Zero - which is a sugar-free version of Coca-Cola - more appealing to men.

A spokesperson for Coca-Cola said: "It's an honour to partner Coke Zero with such an iconic franchise as Bond."

Bobby Britton, brand director of Coca-Cola Great Britain said: "The new edgier Bond persona is the ultimate embodiment of the Coke Zero brand personality and expected to make the brand more popular with its target audience of 20-something men."

The limited edition 'Zero Zero Seven' Coke will sell for £1.50 at upmarket department store Harrods in London, as well as being available at other outlets across the UK.

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