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Stephen Sommers in talks for ‘Tarzan’

Variety reports Sommers would also co-write the “Tarzan” script with Stuart Beattie. He has finished duties on the big screen adaptation of "G.I. Joe" for Paramount - which Beattie wrote the final draft of the script.

Warner Bros. and Weintraub have been working on a new screen version of "Tarzan" since 2003. John August was originally hired to write a new screen adventure for the Edgar Rice Burroughs-created character. As of two years ago, the studio was in talks with “Hellboy” director Guillermo del Toro to helm the film.

Burroughs’ "Tarzan of the Apes" was published in 1912, and has enjoyed many adventures on the big screen. The Hollywood Tarzan is mostly identified with Johnny Weismuller thanks to the series of films MGM released in the 1930s.

Warner Bros. attempted to bring life to the character in 1984 with "Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes." The film featured Christopher Lambert in the Tarzan role.

The studio joined with Village Roadshow in 1998 to make a pulp adventure with the character. "Tarzan and the Lost City" featured Casper Van Dien in the role. In 2003, Warner Bros. tried a "Tarzan" television series for the WB Network, but it failed to attract viewers.

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