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Retired actress Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson has no plans to return to acting.

The singer - who starred as Daisy Duke in movie 'The Dukes of Hazzard' and has since appeared in films including 'Blonde Ambition' and 'Employee of the Month' - admits she has lost her appetite for the industry following the lack of interest in her latest movie ventures.Sponsored Links:

She said: "I'm not closing that chapter of my life by any means. But I am all about the music right now. When it comes to acting, it's got to feel right for me at this point in my life.

"It's got to just be a really incredible director and production with an awesome studio and great cast. But for me right now Jessica Simpson is music."

Jessica - who will soon release her debut country album 'Do You Know' - also revealed she began to lose confidence in her vocal talents following her shambolic performance of Dolly Parton's '9 To 5'.Sponsored Links:

She added: "You know, what happened at Kennedy Center, I really thought I was done singing. I was just at a place where I'd lost a lot of confidence and I didn't even know who I was. But Dolly totally took me under her wing and helped me up and over the cares of the world.

"It went from the Kennedy Center to her being a part of this record and getting letters from her of encouragement. She told me she's never been more proud of anything in her whole life. And I have it written down in her handwriting! I do owe a lot of my confidence to her." Sponsored Links:

The 28-year-old star added she now wants to inspire other young singers.

She told E! News: "On stage, when I say, 'Thank you for giving me a second chance,' I feel like I'm having a comeback. I'm on solid ground again. They can look to me for inspiration. I want to be a role model."

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