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Obama and Clinton meet in Washington DC

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was meeting Thursday night with Senator Hillary Clinton in Wahington DC, according to CNN...

Obama was scheduled to fly home to Illinois Thursday and did not arrive for his flight out of Dulles International Airportand instead made a stop at Clinton's Washington DC home, CNN reported.

Clinton's campaign said earlier Thursday that the senator has no plans to be Barack Obama's vice president on a Democratic ticket for the White House.

Phil Singer, a Clinton spokesman, said the former first lady was 'not seeking the vice presidency,' in a statement carried by CNN.

However, Clinton had previously said she was 'open' to the idea and some of her supporters have launched a concerted effort to pressure Obama into putting her on a so-called 'dream ticket.'

Singer said the decision was Obama's to make, echoing comments by the newly-anointed Democratic nominee himself.

'I'm a big believer in making decisions well, not making them fast and not responding to pressure,' Obama said in an interview with CNN.

Obama declared victory in the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday night after a five-month battle with Hillary Clinton, becoming the first African American to lead a major political party into a general election in the United States.

Clinton is expected to formally suspend her campaign and endorse Obama at an event in Washington on Saturday.

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