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Flat mom Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker says motherhood has made it difficult for her to wear high heels.

The 'Sex and the City' actress, who reprises her role as Carrie Bradshaw in the big screen adaptation of the hit US TV show, shares Carrie's love of designer shoes but has had to curb her addiction since giving birth to son James Wilkie in 2002.

She said: "I like shoes very much but not to the same degree as Carrie. As a working mother high heels don't really fit into my life any more - but in a totally wonderful way. I would much rather think about my son than myself.

"He is going through a crazy clothes phase at the moment. It is wonderful, it's great."

The 43-year-old star also admits she can't separate herself from her the character of Carrie.

Parker, who is married to actor Matthew Broderick, said: "I feel she is a far more modern woman than I am. I'm more traditional and have been married for a long time whereas she is more single in the conventional sense, as in she is not married. My single life was a lot less colourful!

"I love her so much, it's not clear where she ends and I begin. I don't always agree with her, but I love her."

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