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Chinese director leads tribute to earthquake victims

Cannes, France - Leading Chinese film director Jia Zhangke lead a one-minute silence for the victims of China's earthquake at a press conference marking the premiere of his latest film at the Cannes Film Festival.

Jia's film, 24 City, is set in the region where the earthquake hit with one of the actors in the movie, Joan Chen, saying the film would be dedicated to those who had lost their lives in the devastating earthquake.

'I have spent one year and three months of my life in Chengdu talking to the people and the catastrophe in that province is truly very painful for us,' Jia said.

The movie, which mixes documentary and feature filmmaking, charts the lives and histories of people caught up in China's fast-paced change.

In particular, as a result of its shift from planned economy to free market economy as symbolized in 24 City by the destruction of a factory and its replacement with a luxury housing complex.

Zhao Tao, another actor in the film, said she hoped that 'the film would to show the world what the people in the region are like.'

She said they were 'simple but generous and kind and the same time.'

Speaking at the press conference, Chen paid tribute to Jia and his focus on ordinary people's lives.

'His observations are of the so-called nobodies,' Chen said. 'He documents changes and as well the natural changes.'

'The people who were the victims in the earthquake are the same people that he has been observing,' she said.

'I hope the film will spiritually help and (should) be dedicated to the victims of the earthquake,' Chen said.

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