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Liam Gallagher's Dakota move in NYC

Liam Gallagher plans to move into the same New York building where John Lennon lived.

The Oasis frontman - who idolises the late Beatles legend - has already announced his plans to quit the UK for the Big Apple, but a friend says he plans to be as "close to Lennon's spirit" as possible by setting up home in the Dakota building.Sponsored Links:

The pal said: "Liam has always been fascinated with everything about John Lennon and has long fantasised about having an apartment in the Dakota building like he did.

"He loves that part of New York and feels he'd be very much at home there."

Lennon's widow Yoko Ono still lives in the building - which is close to Central Park - where the musician was shot dead by deranged fan Mark Chapman in 1980.

The friend added: "Liam would feel close to Lennon's spirit living there."

Liam has previously visited Yoko at the building, and said afterwards he felt inspired and "couldn't stop writing songs".Sponsored Links:

Earlier this week, the rocker - who is married to former All Saints singer Nicole Appleton - said he gets a "buzz" from being in New York.

He added: "Nic' was born in Canada, but then she lived there for five years. That's the next step for me. I want to go to a place where I can just be me."

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