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Angelina Jolie's ex, Billy Bob, is thrilled for her


Angelina Jolie's ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton says, “I’m so happy for her.”

Shortly after Angelina Jolie broke baby news that she’s expecting twins, “Extra" caught up with the expectant mother at the Cannes Film Festival where she joined Jack Black in promoting her upcoming animated flick, "Kung Fu Panda."

Jolie revealed some of the importance of this film to her, commenting, “I’ve got kids, so they love these movies...This one in particular because it takes place in China and two of my boys are Asian. They\'re getting into karate and kung fu and all of that.”

Jolie’s ex-husband, Billy Bob Thornton, who is topping the charts with his new band, The Boxmasters, and offered well wishes to Jolie and Brad Pitt.

He said, “I think she was always meant to be a mother in so many ways…I’m just so happy for her. I’m happy for the kids to have a mother like her and a father like him [Brad Pitt].”

As for Jolie’s philanthropy, Thornton added, “I’m astounded that somebody has that kind of passion and that much energy for something that actually does affect people and help people out.”

Tune in to “Extra” on May 16th for more from Cannes Film Festival.

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