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Sienna Miller dumps married boyfriend

o more skulking about in the Malibu Colony shopping center for Balthazar Getty and Sienna Miller; the two have split.

The married father of four, actor and star of ‘Brothers & Sisters’ Balthazar Getty had been seeing the British actress for months.

Sienna Miller confirmed to Us Weekly on Friday she was no longer dating the married man.

“I’m single at the moment, and I’m completely happy with that,” she told the magazine at the Hollywood Dominoes VIP launch in London. “It’s nice not to have a relationship that the press constantly want to scrutinize and discuss. I’m cool with being on my own.”

The paparazzi descended on Malibu after frequent sightings popped up of topless Sienna canoodling with Balthazar, and even performing "facial surgery" on Balthazar removing his face of a pesky blemish.

The wife and mother of his four children, Rosetta, took off for Europe upon learning of the affair.

Getty issued a statement claiming he was separated from his wife, Rosetta.

“The breakdown of a marriage is a very difficult and painful experience especially when children are involved,” he said in the statement to Access Hollywood.

“In light of the fact that many pictures have surfaced in print and on the Internet which has caused myself and my family great embarrassment, I felt it necessary to at least acknowledge publicly that yes indeed, my wife and I have separated and I will not be commenting any further,” his statement continued.

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