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Anti-Scientologists protest against Will Smith school

Will Smith has been targeted by an anti-Scientologist group.

On Wednesday morning (03.09.08) Anonymous activists picketed outside the New Village Academy private school in Calabasas, California, which is funded by the actor and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, who is a devout follower of the bizarre sci-fi cult.Sponsored Links:

Protestors - dressed in Guy Fawkes masks - held up placards emblazoned with the words 'Scientology disconnects families' and 'what church stalks critics? Scientology'.

Passing children on their way to the nearby Arthur E. Wright Middle School shouted at several people, believed to be Scientologist investigators, who were monitoring the protest.

One boy Max, 11, said: "We hate Will Smith". While another John shouted: "Get the crazy cult school out of Calabasas!"

Spokesperson for Anonymous - who want the Church of Scientology to lose its tax exemption status in the US - Gareth Cales, who refused to wear a mask, said: "Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, an admitted Scientologist, have opened this private school as a front for teaching the L. Ron Hubbard principles of 'Study Technology, his creation, and the school employs Scientologists.Sponsored Links:

"Our goal is to ultimately have the tax exemption status of the Scientology cult end, and the criminal deeds of Church leader David Miscaviage be exposed and prosecuted. Under his leadership, Scientology has threatened people's lives and destroyed careers, they use their lawyers to intimidate anyone who criticises Scientology."

'Study Technology' is described as: "An educational model developed by L. Ron Hubbard, study technology focuses on three principles."

Will - who reportedly donated $1 million to the school - has previously denied he is a member of Scientology.

Earlier this week, Anonymous announced they were planning to stage a silent protest at the opening of Katie Holmes' new Broadway play 'All My Sons' in October. Sponsored Links:

The former 'Dawson's Creek' actress became a Scientologist after marrying devout follower Tom Cruise in November 2006.

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