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Will Smith’s Calabasas private school target of Scientology protests

The New Village Academy, once known as the Lost Hills Continuing Education High School  in Calabasas, California, was ground zero this morning for a staged protest against the school's curriculum that incorporates the teachings of Scientology founder L.R. Hubbard. Sponsored Links:

Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, (she a devout Scientologist),  has been targeted by anti-Scientology protest group Anonymous over claims that the school has implemented "Study Tech" into the school lessons - a method that was designed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Protesters- photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C

Protesters- photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C

Following their announcement earlier this week that they plan to target the opening night of Katie Holmes’ Broadway debut, Anonymous has released a press statement saying that they plan to protest at 7:30am at the Californian school facility.

The group states, “Anonymous will be holding a picket outside of the New Village Academy private school… specifically against the use of L. Ron Hubbard’s and The Church of Scientology’s Study Tech and Ethics programs the school is implementing.”

New Village Academy - photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C

New Village Academy - photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C

It adds, “This is in line with Anonymous’ global theme for September, ‘School’s Closed’. This month’s theme is raising awareness of how Scientology exploits children within Scientology itself, and is against Scientology influence in schools for non-Scientologists.”Sponsored Links:

Protesters- photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C
Protesters- photo by BANG SHowbiz ©M&C

Jacqueline Olivier, a spokesperson for the New Village Academy, has previously stated that the school is non-denominational saying, “We are a secular school. And just like all nonreligious independent schools, faculty and staff do not promote their own religions at school or pass on the beliefs of their particular faith to children.”

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