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Lily Allen's kidnap ordeal

Lily Allen has revealed her friend was kidnapped and kept in a car boot for six days.

The singer was left "terrified" by the ordeal and thanked London's Metropolitan Police for foiling the plot as she co-hosted the GQ Men of the Year awards last night (02.09.08).Sponsored Links:

Lily, who shared presenting duties with Sir Elton John, said: "My friend Charlie was kidnapped a few weeks ago and was kept in a car boot for six days without any food or anything. It was really scary. Thank you to the Met for getting my friend back, we were all terrified. From what I hear, the police did a fantastic job."

Lily's friend, only identified as Charlie, and another man - both in their 20s - were working in a West London sports store when armed men allegedly walked in and forced them into a car on August 2. Sponsored Links:

The kidnappers are said to have demanded a £75,000 ransom from the two men's families and held them at a property in Thamesmead, South East London.

Lily added: "He was in a car boot being driven around London before he was found. It was all over money."

Police have arrested six men in connection with the kidnap plot. Four are charged with conspiracy to kidnap, conspiracy to blackmail and false imprisonment. One man has been charged with two offences of kidnap and one offence of robbery. The sixth man has been released on bail pending further inquiries.

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