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Online porn addict David Duchovny

David Duchovny entered rehab after his addiction to online pornography spiralled out of control, it has been reported.

The 'X-Files: I Want to Believe' star - who announced last week he is voluntarily seeking treatment for his sex addiction - spent endless hours surfing X-rated sites on the internet, according to a friend.Sponsored Links:

The pal also denied David has cheated on Tea Leoni, his wife of 11 years.

A reporter for Fox News said: "I have inferred from my conversation with Duchovny's friend that this has something to do with an addiction to pornography, probably on the internet. It's the sex equivalent of a gambling addiction, where the person is just hopelessly trapped in chat rooms."

Following David's treatment, which is taking place in an undisclosed clinic, the couple and their two children are set to move to New York from Los Angeles, to get away from the hectic lifestyle of the Hollywood city.Sponsored Links:

It was confirmed yesterday (02.09.08) that Tea pulled out of her scheduled appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival.

She was due to attend to promote her new movie 'Ghost Town' following David's revelation.


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