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Drag queen Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe wants to play a drag queen in his next movie.

The 'Harry Potter' star confessed he would love to land the unusual role because it would allow him to dress as a woman and wear make-up.

He said: "I think part of me would love to play a drag queen, just because it would be an excuse to wear loads of eye make-up."Sponsored Links:

Daniel admits taking on such a part would be one of the most rebellious things he has ever done.

He revealed: "I don't pretend to do anything particularly wild. People talk about rebellion and they say, 'Where is the teenage angst?' But I say I try to do it simply by the choices I make in the work I do. I just like wrong-footing people. I write poetry and I love it. I like being different from most other people in my generation."

Daniel, who is currently single, also revealed he has no interest in finding a girlfriend because he is too busy.Sponsored Links:

He added to Details magazine: "Most of my friends have been girls, and I see how they are with their boyfriends and I think, I couldn't do that. I just don't have the time."

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