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Michael Jackson's Pammie dates

Michael Jackson is reportedly dating Pamela Anderson.

Pop legend Michael, 50, has met former 'Baywatch' star Pammie, 41, for two dates in Malibu, California, sparking rumors the pair are enjoying a budding romance.

A source told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "It was all arranged by their people in total secrecy, very cloak and dagger. Michael is such a private person. He gets nervous when he thinks people are following him around, so he chose somewhere neutral for their first date. Sponsored Links:

"They arrived separately at the Shutters Hotel on Malibu beach so no one would suspect anything and then had a few drinks at the bar."

Michael and Pammie hid away in a corner of the bar for privacy, and appeared to be enjoying each other's company.

The source added: "They were very friendly. Pamela was being her usual flirty self and Michael seemed to be responding. They are such a strange couple but they seemed to really hit it off."Sponsored Links:

The pair got on so well on their first date, they have met up again already, going for a coffee at the Country Mart in Malibu.

Both Pammie and Michael have been unlucky with their previous marriages.

Michael has been married twice, to Lisa-Marie Presley and nurse Deborah Jean Rowe.

Pammie has tied the knot three times, to Motley Crue rocker Tommy Lee, Paris Hilton's ex Rick Salomon and Kid Rock. None of Michael or Pammie's marriages lasted more than three years.

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