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Britney Spears' Adnan Ghalib death threats

Adnan Ghalib has received death threats over his alleged plans to sell a sex tape of her...

Photographer Adnan Ghalib, who dated Britney Spears earlier this year, claims he has been the target of Britney's angry fans after it was revealed a video of the star performing a private striptease for him wearing just a pink wig was to be leaked on the internet.

Adnan said: "I have had many calls about it from all over the world. In light of the constant calls about the sex tape and threats, I'm taking a break from the industry and keeping a low profile."

Adnan - who once claimed Britney was pregnant with his baby - says he was stabbed in the arm in April after furious fans confronted him over their fears he was leading her astray.

Speaking about the incident, he added to Heat magazine: "Yes I was injured. This is still being investigated.

"I can't say much about the cowardly attack other than, a) you better come a lot stronger than that if you want to make a point and b) most will be surprised by those behind it."

Adnan had a three-month relationship with the mother-of-two at the height of her alleged nervous breakdown earlier this year.

The sex tape was supposedly shot while the couple holidayed in Mexico in January.

Britney was admitted to hospital in January twice on mental health issues, but is now recovering, and recently returned from holidaying in Costa Rica at actor Mel Gibson's holiday home.

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