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Cameron Diaz and P. Diddy's romance

Cameron Diaz is dating P. Diddy, it has been claimed...

The actress and the hip-hop mogul were seen laughing and holding hands at Prince's party and concert to showcase his new book '21 Days' on Friday.

Later in the evening, the pair reportedly sneaked away from the bash and locked themselves in a room.

A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "Cameron and Diddy seemed only to have eyes for each other. During the show, they laughed and held hands. At one point, Cameron spoon-fed Diddy her bread pudding.

"After some whispering, Diddy nodded toward Prince's mansion. He led Cameron by the hand to Prince's basement. Diddy was bringing his lips toward hers when he realised someone was approaching. Smiling, they closed the theatre's door and locked it. We heard them giggling inside."

This isn't the first time the pair have been romantically linked.

In March, Cameron and Diddy enjoyed an intimate meal in Los Angeles.

Last month, they were seen partying in SoHo's Sub-Mercer lounge, in New York, and reportedly disappeared into a private room for 20 minutes.

Diddy recently denied he is dating Cameron, saying: "It is ridiculous that two celebrities of the opposite sex can't just hang out with a group of friends without it being reported as more than that. We are just friends."

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