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Tilda Swinton's shared love

Tilda Swinton's partner has admitted he has another lover.

Director, artist and playwright John Byrne, 67, has been romantically involved with theatre lighting director Jeanine Davis, 42, for two years.

Tilda, 47, and John have an open relationship and the actress has been enjoying a relationship with 29-year-old German painter Sandro Kopp.

Byrne said: "It's all very relaxed and amicable. We have not hidden away and Jeanine is very much part of my life. Tilda knows all about it and is more than happy with the situation. It's all very relaxed and amicable.

"Tilda has Sandro and the arrangement works very well."

The unmarried couple have twin children - 10-year-old Xavier and Honor - and live together in Scotland.

John also revealed that Jeanine has met his family and Tilda's lover.

He is quoted by Britain's Daily Express newspaper as saying: "Jeanine has met my children as well as Tilda. I wouldn't say we all socialised together but she has met Sandro and we have all been under one roof together... I know some people will struggle to understand it, but it works for us."

Jeanine worked on John's latest play 'Nova Scotia' and accompanied him to its opening night.

He has previously referred to their relationship as an "open secret".

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