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Dina Lohan reality more interesting than her reality TV show

Dina and Michael Lohan just cannot stand their daughters' fame, and try to outdo each other for tabloid headlines and attention via their childish and selfish court antics over child custody issues.

It seems the entire Lohan clan is addicted to the siren song of the paparazzi throng, they live for the tawdry, D-Listed life, splayed out on reality television.

Battling again, Dina and Michael Lohan have returned to a Long Island court Tuesday afternoon over custody issues.

Michael says Dina has violated their visitation agreement with their minor children, Ali, 14, and Dakota, 11.

OK! Magazine reports that Michael's attorney, John DiMascio Jr., Dina has forbidden his client from visiting the children.

Dina has primary custody and lives in Merrick, Long Island; ex jailbird Michael lives in Southampton.

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