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Angelina Jolie's gun confession

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt keep a gun in their house to protect their family.

The couple would do anything for their children - Maddox, six, Pax, four, Zahara, three, and two-year-old Shiloh - and wouldn't hesitate shooting someone if they tried to harm them.

Angelina - who is pregnant with twins - said: "If anybody comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I've no problem shooting them.

"I bought original, real guns of the type I used in 'Tomb Raider' for security. Brad and I are not against having a gun in the house, and we do have one. I'd be able to use it if I had to."

As well as firearms, Angelina insists she is more than capable of tackling any assailant with her self-defence skills.

She added: "I tend to want to throw an elbow - I don't know why. I've learned all the punches, head-butts and kicks - yet getting someone with my elbow is my first instinct."

Angelina, 32, and Brad, 44, are keen for their children to learn how to protect themselves when they get older - because the 'Tomb Raider' actress believes everyone gets into a fight at some point in their lives.

She said: "I think it's good for anybody to learn a skill when it comes to fight training - be it kung fu, boxing or kick-boxing. Brad and I want our kids to learn it. They're going to get into a fight some day, so they might as well learn how to take care of themselves."

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