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Doubtful mom Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie always doubted her parenting skills.

The 32-year-old actress, who is expecting twins with partner Brad Pitt, says she never thought she was "stable enough" to be a mother, and was also worried she lacked maternal instinct.

Angelina, who has three adopted children and a biological daughter with Brad, told Britain's Grazia magazine: "I went through a lot of my youth really thinking that I was never going to be stable enough and calm enough to be a parent. I always loved children but didn't know if I would ever be a good mom.

"What surprised me was that I never planned on having children biologically. There were children who needed a home and I had no maternal desire to have children, but that changes when you meet someone you love and so your family changes in direction."

Angelina recently revealed she has no plans to marry Brad but may change her mind if the children put pressure on her.

She said: "We want to raise these children together - we're committed to them and that's the priority. It's not about some contract binding us to have to be dedicated to each other, but that we were going to start building this family and be close just because we are. So we don't need to do it but one day we will. Maybe if the kids start asking - they'll probably be the ones to make the decision."

Angelina is expected to give birth in France later this month, as a tribute to her late French-Canadian mother Marcheline Bertrand.

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