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Friday nuptials for Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller?

It is being reported that star of "Two and a Half Men," Charlie Sheen, will marry Palm Beach, Florida heiress Brooke Mueller this Friday night.

New York Daily News gossip columnists Rush & Molloy are reporting that there are preparations "to walk down the aisle Friday night," and that "friends of the bride-to-be tell us she may already be pregnant."

"They've been busy working on having a baby," says the Rush & Molloy source. "They have been for a couple of months. It'd be great if they had a son, because Charlie already has three daughters."

Sheen has three daughters. Cassandra, 23, with Paula Profit, and two young daughters with reality TV star Denise Richards.

Rush & Molloy claim that "60 or so people" have been given invites to the nuptials for a "secret location" in Los Angeles.

"They had to tell Denise when it was, because they wanted the girls to come, but she doesn't know where it'll be," says their source. "Who knows? She may even crash the event with a camera crew."

Richards recently completed a publicity blitz to promote her controversial reality TV show, "Denise Richards: It's Complicated," which has fueled more bad blood between the contentious couple.

Allegations of sperm-donor emails between Richards and Sheen only added to the raging war and embarrassment for all parties concerned.

Richards contended the emails were "doctored," but Rush & Molloy claim their sources say an "expert has confirmed they came from Denise's computer and were not tampered with."

Allegedly the soon-to-be married couple will forgo their honeymoon for a day or so to attend a benefit Saturday for the Chrysalis Foundation, which helps the homeless.

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