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George Clooney splits from Sarah Larson

George Clooney has split from his girlfriend, it has been claimed.

The 47-year-old actor is said to be "relieved" he is a bachelor again, and felt his one-year relationship with 29-year-old Sarah Larson had reached its natural end.

A source told In Touch Weekly magazine: "George is relieved to be single again. He thinks Sarah is sweet and that is why it was so hard to break up with her. The truth is they had little in common and he just doesn't want to be tied down."

According to a friend of former Las Vegas cocktail waitress Sarah, the 'Leatherheads' actor briefly moved out of his Los Angeles home recently so Sarah removed her belongings.

The pair first met in Las Vegas four years ago when Sarah worked as a waitress in The Whiskey Bar. They were reunited last summer and soon began dating.

George and Sarah made their first public appearance at the Venice and Deauville film festivals last September.

Despite both being injured in a motorcycle accident later that month, George and Sarah continued to attend events together, including this year's Academy Awards.

George's representative Stan Rosenfield refused to comment on reports, only saying: "I can only confirm that we have never commented on George's personal life."

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