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Kristin Davis' drinking fears

Kristin Davis believed she would drink herself to death before her 30th birthday.

The 'Sex and the City' star revealed alcoholism runs in her family and she feared her drinking, which started in her teens, would lead her to destruction.

Davis, who is now 43, said: "I really didn't think I would pass 30. I drank a lot when I was a teenager. I had a fatalistic viewpoint."

The brunette actress - who plays straight-laced Charlotte York Goldenblatt in the hit US TV series and movie adaptation - admits her drinking grew worse because she didn't feel comfortable with her surroundings.

Davis, whose parents moved to South Carolina when she was a child, said: "I felt like a misfit. I was in the South, everybody was blonde. I just didn't feel like I fitted in. It was sort of my way of fitting."

Davis gave up alcohol at 22 following a stint in rehab, after which she vowed to commit herself wholly to her acting career.

She added to Marie Claire magazine: "I got into the acting programme, it was very challenging, I was hungover and I wasn't doing so well in my classes. I thought, 'Do you know what? It's going to be one or the other. I can't really have both.'

"I miss it. You don't go to rehab and then suddenly it goes away."

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