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R. Kelly identified

R. Kelly's former PA identified her old employer on the sex video being screened at his trial.

Lindsey Perryman, who worked for Kelly on and off from 1999 to 2006, was asked to view the video - which shows a man and teenage girl having sex - by the state prosecutors late last year and confirmed she thought it featured Kelly and the alleged victim.

Perryman stated the man looked like Kelly when she had first met him in 1999.

She said in court yesterday (27.05.08): "I was shocked. I was disturbed. I didn't want to see any of this."

Perryman added: "The image that I saw looked like the girl. She has distinct cheekbones, and the way she moves her mouth, the way she smiles, it's all very distinctive. The image I saw looked and sounded exactly like her."

After rising from receptionist to personal assistant (PA) for Kelly, Perryman would collect the girl from school and bring her to the studio, where she would do her homework, or take her to his home.

Despite admitting she often saw the girl bring a pillow and overnight bag with her, Perryman never believed anything untoward was going on between the pair until she saw the video footage.

She said: "I had never seen him be inappropriate with anyone, and he had never been inappropriate with me.

"There's never been any reason to walk away."

Perryman also praised the singer as a "great boss", adding: "I think so highly of Mr. Kelly and his family."

Kelly is on trial over 14 counts relating to the 26-minute video which shows a man having sex with a girl aged around 13. If convicted, he faces up to 15 years in jail.

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