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Amy Winehouse has the luck of the Doherty

Amy Winehouse will not face any further police action over a video of her smoking what appeared to be crack cocaine.

The troubled singer - who has a well-documented drug problem - was questioned last Wednesday (07.05.08) at an East London police station but officers have decided there is nothing more to follow up.

Amy's spokesman said: "Police have confirmed that no action will be taken against Amy Winehouse in relation to an investigation into a video handed to them in January.

"She was questioned by police last week and released on unconditional bail. They have now concluded their enquiries and no charges will be brought. Amy's bail date to return to Limehouse police station has been cancelled, bringing this matter to an end.

"Amy is pleased to be able to move on and concentrate on music and particularly looks forward to seeing her fans again at eagerly awaited festival performances this summer.?

Amy was arrested on Wednesday following an appointment at Limehouse police station over drugs offences.

The video in question was recorded in January. In the footage, reportedly taken at the star's former East London home, the 'Rehab' star also appeared to snort "highly concentrated" powdered ecstasy and cocaine and swallow six Valium pills.

Amy's husband Blake Fielder-Civil is currently on remand awaiting trial on charges of grievous bodily harm (GBH) and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

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