Aftershock shakes China's largest 'quake lake'

An aftershock Monday shook a rising, earthquake-created lake in China that threatens 1.3 million people downstream...

The US Geological Survey measured the tremor at a strength of 5 on the Richter scale. It was the latest aftershock to hit the south-western province of Sichuan since a magnitude-8 quake struck May 12.

China's official news agency Xinhua said the aftershock was felt at the 'quake lake' at Tangjiashan but no damage was immediately detected.

Another aftershock, measuring 4.8, hit Sunday in the same region as troops were working to drain the lake, the largest of about 30 quake lakes created by landslides and debris in the May 12 quake.

The earth shook two times Monday in the neighbouring province of Qinghai as well.