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Amanda Peet shares too much information

Amanda Peet once had sex with her husband in the bathtub.

The actress - who stars in the upcoming 'The X Files: I Want to Believe' - revealed she and screenwriter David Benioff got passionate in the bathroom after being told it was an impossible task.

She said: "My husband and I were recently watching an episode of 'Seinfeld' where Elaine says, 'You can't have sex in a bathtub, that's impossible.' And we just looked at each other. No, it isn't impossible. It's sort of slippery, yes. But fun."

Amanda also revealed she and David enjoyed steamy sessions in his swimming pool when they first started dating.

She added: "David used to have an outdoor stereo by the pool at his bachelor pad. I'm sure he lured many women there, but I was the last one."

David recently admitted he was nervous about when he would find time to work before Amanda gave birth to their daughter Frances, who is now 15-months-old.

He said: "I was nervous about it. All my friends warned me, 'Once the baby comes, you're not going to have time.' It kind of worked out, though. I tend to write very late at night.

"My wife would go to sleep at about 9 or 10, and when Frankie would wake up for her night feeding, I would give her a bottle at midnight, at 3am, and then at 6 I'd go to bed and Amanda would wake up."

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